Happy March Break Everyone!
I hope you are all taking some time to relax, catch up on sleep (or homework), or travel somewhere warm with your family (if that’s the case, I’m jealous!)
We just finished our Reading Week, which means we are officially half way done our second semester! That also typically marks the end of major midterms, which means the beginning of PAPERS! I have realized that students usually fall into two categories – they either enjoy taking tests or they enjoy writing papers. I do not really enjoy taking tests, but for the most part I find writing papers much more enjoyable! At first, writing papers may seem a little bit intimidating, because they are quite different from papers in high school. In reality however, you will get used to writing them in no time and you may even start to enjoy it! If you do struggle however, not to worry, there are many services available through the library that can help you through the process.
Besides papers and outstanding assignments, March is usually the busiest month of the year with everything wrapping up before the final exam period. Besides school, there's also clubs, teams and student organizations coming to a close which means lots of events are happening all around. It is probably my most and least favourite month of the school year!
But enough about us here, back to you guys! I know my March Break in Grade 12 was spent touring the Universities that I had applied to with my Mom. I loved getting to see the different campuses and discovering what it was that I was looking for in a University environment. I found what I was looking for when I came to visit UTM. I got a chance to meet and talk to one of the first year Psychology professors, who was really easy to talk to (despite the fact that I was really nervous) and he gave me some great advice about where my degree in Psychology could lead me in the future. I loved how green the campus was and was happy to find that it was easy to navigate. I remember being so amazed when I saw the deer roaming around on the paths, and now I am so used to it! The student life fair allowed me to see all of the unique ways that I could get involved outside of the classroom. I also got the opportunity to take a tour of Residence and was really impressed with the single bedrooms, the friendly student staff of Dons and PALs (who reminded me a bit of my past camp days, which I loved) and the easily accessible food options. Looking back now, I am definitely pleased that I chose to come to UTM!
Have a great March break and hope to see you here at some point!
Madison Peters is a fourth year student working toward an Honours Bachelor of Science with a Double Major in Psychology and Criminology and a Minor in Sociology. She lives and works on residence as a Programming Assistant for one of the Community Development Coordinators.